New to TC

1 posts Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 11:57 AM in New Here & Getting Started

Hey everyone, I'm partially new to TC and i have about 5 months of knowledge of web dev, but I would like to gain more experience with front end and back end coding. What do you recommend I do to get better?

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  • 1649 posts Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 12:42 AM

    Hi @alexthehumane

    I would recommend to start testing your skills by solving real problem. One way to do this can be done via participating in our challenge that have front end or/and back end requirements. By participating in a challenge, you will get two benefits:

    • Your code will be reviewed by our expert to determine whether it has meet the industry standard or if it needs improvement that you can use to improve your skills

    • Whether you win or not, as long your submission pass review, you will be able to download the winning codes and learn from the winning submission

    What kind of Front End and Back End technology that you currently learning? I am curious to know.

    Best Regards,

    Topcoder Community Manager

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