Join Topcoder Discord - For Real.

431 posts Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 03:40 AM in Topcoder News & Updates


Our gift to you is Topcoder Discord. 🎉

Topcoder Discord provides you with:

  • A quick way to connect on all things Topcoder
  • The ability to connect with members in your region.
  • The opportunity to be in the know of all that is going on from TCO leaderboards, to new challenges, to upcoming events and new freelance gig work opportunities.
  • A chance to “meet” some of the people you compete against every day.
  • A place to learn how you can be successful at Topcoder.
  • The opportunity to have some fun!
  • The ultimate celebration for giphys everywhere all the time (Oh.. that is really my favorite part of Discord...!) 😜

Today we are inviting everyone to join our Topcoder Discord server.

Oh and warning, the Pokemon game is very, very addictive... you've been warned!

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  • 431 posts Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 11:34 AM
  • 22 posts Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 09:26 AM

    why do I get this error

    {"name":"JsonWebTokenError","message":"jwt must be a string"}

    when I click on /verify. I have tried with both previously logged in state in my browser , and with logging in from the link generated by /verify

  • 1551 posts Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 01:03 AM

    That is Discord error message, Have you try with the discord app directly (native) not the web app?

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