Join Topcoder Discord - For Real.
Our gift to you is Topcoder Discord. 🎉
Topcoder Discord provides you with:
- A quick way to connect on all things Topcoder
- The ability to connect with members in your region.
- The opportunity to be in the know of all that is going on from TCO leaderboards, to new challenges, to upcoming events and new freelance gig work opportunities.
- A chance to “meet” some of the people you compete against every day.
- A place to learn how you can be successful at Topcoder.
- The opportunity to have some fun!
- The ultimate celebration for giphys everywhere all the time (Oh.. that is really my favorite part of Discord...!) 😜
Today we are inviting everyone to join our Topcoder Discord server.
Oh and warning, the Pokemon game is very, very addictive... you've been warned!
Check out the challenge to design our Discord mascot!
why do I get this error
when I click on
. I have tried with both previously logged in state in my browser , and with logging in from the link generated by/verify
That is Discord error message, Have you try with the discord app directly (native) not the web app?