1551 posts Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 09:52 AM edited Mar 31, 2022 at 09:57 AM in Design General Discussion

Hello Designers,

RUX is Back! Yes, you read it right, in about a few days from now, we will get the first RUX for this year happening! More information will be available soon so you better start preparing and get back in shape for the competitions! Design track is also starting on fire again, with a challenge for a client to create a TAX Return application currently running in the pipeline and more design and idea generation challenges will also be launched this month! Make sure to watch our design pipeline HERE to get latest information about new design challenges launched at Topcoder! Also, stage 4 design track qualification for TCO22 final will start in April to June 2022, join all available challenges in the pipeline and collect the points to advance as TCO22 design finalists, it’s your time to shine!

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