TCO23🌐[REACT] Games
With the conclusion of Topcoder’s TCO23 [JAVASCRIPT] Games we introduce to you the TCO23 [REACT] Games happening from January 1 - March 31, 2023.
How can you participate? Compete in any challenge tagged with React - we will not have [ ] Games-specific challenges. The top competitors will face off in a grand finale tournament to be held in June 2023
We are currently hosting a React Skill Builder so you can sharpen your React skills - will you be our a TCO23 [ ] Games champion?
the [ ] Games - a mini tourney held during the year where you can qualify on [ ] technology outside the normal TCO tracks. [ ] Games will have its own leaderboard. Not only will you earn bragging rights as a TCO [ ] Games Champion, but you'll also win a VIP trip to the TCO23 finals!
Check out the [ ] Games Site for more information!