ERROR while submitting: Error occurred while trying to copy TEXT or BYTE data.
I try to submit a practice problem (Class Name : ShootingGame Method Name : findProbability)
In python. It compiles without errors, test cases passes.
When I hit submit, I get the following error:
"ERROR while submitting: Error occurred while trying to copy TEXT or BYTE data."
did u find solution ??
Same issue here - Any fix or suggestion for workaround ?
Same thing on python on ABBADiv1.
mine was fixed)
This issue has been fixed @anurag40b, @andrzej1978gda, @osadly.
This error has been faced throughout the year. Can you fix it permanently?
@DaraK Looks like the issue is still occurring. Could you please help fix it?
The same issue happend to me today, what should I do?
Same issue here - Any fix or suggestion for workaround ?
i cant submit anything too. why does only topcoder have such problems?