Conceptual vs Design (Production) CTA

46 posts Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 11:01 AM in Design General Discussion

A lot of progress has been made on this in the last year. But the world does not stop evolving. And IMHO Topcoder still has to catch up.

... at some stage, soon, now, we really need to sit down and thrash out expectations in general for Conceptual vs Design (Production). A workshop or an online conference or something...agendas, bulletpoints, problem solving. The whole shebang. Proper discussions between Topcoder and the community.

Conceptual Design and Design (Production), are, by definition, not the same. Forcing the same rigidity as Production onto Conceptual actually pushes a loss in potential further revenue(competitions).

Concepts must be fast and intrinsically flawed (Competition 1)...
....For Design (Production) to fix and finalise (Competition 2)...
This is the eco-system. This is the top most expectation. This is how things should be framed and done.

Two separate stages of development. Two separate, distinct and nuanced skillsets. Each with their own demands on participants.

Job listings and salaries are splitting down these lines in real time. Topcoder is currently and ironically not mirroring the real world. Conceptual Design at Topcoder is sitting at a lower price point. While in reality. Conceptual Designers can earn double,triple or quadruple what Production Designers earn out there in the 'wild'. Depends on the field and country in question. Best laymans comparison is the 'old school' Designers vs DTP Operators.

Designers have real or true aptitude for one skillset or the other. They can develop both skillsets...sure...but the best in either choose just one. It is an investment made over years. IMHO.

... if Conceptual is going to continue to labor under lower prizes pools. 75% compared...
Something here is wrong. This world and dynamic is upside down or totally misunderstood or under appreciated.

Expectations must/should be revisited/refined on :

  • Brief structure and asks (PM / AM / Co-Pilots). Smaller / compact / change prone / tool & resource ambitious / ...
  • Design expectations and deliverables ( Designers ) . New tools / methods / resources /...
  • DRB . Process / Principles / Disclosures / ...

So much energy is being wasted at all of these stages...
So many people's quality of life is taking a hit...
So many opportunities are being squandered...
So many new and emerging markets are being overlooked...
...across the whole Topcoder eco-system.

The power of crowdsourcing should not have anything stand in it's way. This is antithetical to what crowdsourcing
Conceptual is about getting as many ideas in as possible. Any and all ideas, good and bad!
Why put things in the way of that?
Why make this so complicated when it is so simple?
Why does Conceptual and Design sit in the same track? They really shouldn't.

Let's talk.
Nocode is at the door. Fumbling with the keys to get in.
AI Driven Design is in the room already, looming, salivating, as it decides which Design School it wants to eat first.

(We have already lost wireframes as a whole School of Design/Revenue Stream to Layout Editors(Sketch/XD/Figma etc) and Marvelapp...)

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  • ToxicPixelToxicPixel Re: Conceptual vs Design (Production) CTA (response to post by ToxicPixel)
    46 posts Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 12:32 PM

  • ToxicPixelToxicPixel Re: Conceptual vs Design (Production) CTA (response to post by ToxicPixel)
    46 posts Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 12:43 PM

    Out the gate. Keeping the above in mind. The pros and the cons. The pigeon holing, the insultation, the ability to grow.

    Reset the board with Top Down Terminology Overhaul.

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