Top 5 of TCO21 (Nov 13)
Our first day of #tco21 flew by! While it’s impossible to capture all the excitement & humor (you like, had to be there, etc.), we wanted to share 5 of our favorite highlights. Let the FOMO begin!!
We started the competition with a casual flex from tourist, who kept their past Topcoder trophy in-view. 😈
TCO and Jeopardy collide! We learned that ecnerwal was mentioned recently by name. Don't forget us when you're famous!
We were both humbled and terrified by Jessie Ford's TCO set-up:
This awesome hype video that I was not expecting blasted itself full-volume and gave me intense heart palpitations. Who needs a rave when you can ball out in the comfort and exhaustion of your own home??!!
We got to see some incredible coding and problem-solving in action from our finalists, and hear live commentary and advice from actual members! We can't wait to see what comes next.