Topcoder Nation Happenings In January 2022

138 posts Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 08:06 PM edited Jan 28, 2022 at 08:07 PM in Topcoder Nation

Coding! Playing computer and board games. Puzzles

@dimkadimon commenting on "What’s the most typical hobby of a computer scientist?".

You can still join the interesting discussions in our group such as the hobby above or the preferred communication tool supplied by Topcoder.

Topcoder Nation Show Gems
Topcoder Nation Show #11 ft. adroc

  • Adam has a hiking tradition where he travels to mountains in different parts of the US and goes off the grid for weeks once a year. For the curious minds, it was during one of those trips that he started to grow his iconic beard.
  • Grow the community, grow the talent skills, grow the customer, and engage across all actors in the ecosystem. That’s the current focus of his work.
  • He suggests members should stop assuming and ask questions. That leads to understanding a given problem and being successful.

TipMonday Gems

Why dimkadimon? Why trivia79?
Have you ever wondered why our friends in the community choose those names as handles?

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