Gig Work - Selected but no onboarding

10 posts Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 01:18 PM in Gig Work Discussions

Hi Topcoder Team ,

I was selected for a gig work - spring-boot developer last week , and it shows as selected in my gig work profile.
But since last meeting with client , I never received any update on my start date or onboarding process.

Can anyone help , whom can I reach out to for help on this .

Thanks !

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  • 165 posts Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 05:28 PM

    @y_b_sid checking on this. You can always contact if you have any questions or doubts.

  • 62 posts Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 05:31 PM

    Hi y_b_sid,
    I am going to check on this for you and have the team reach out to you via email.

    Thank you for putting your question here!

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