Copilot Roles

143 posts Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 05:28 PM edited Apr 13, 2022 at 05:46 PM in General Discussion


I'm wondering what the current requirements for a copilot role are.

A 2018 posting that I've found required a candidate to have 3 wins, 1 bughunt, 1 f2f submission, and 25 forum posts. If this is the case, what is considered a win, only the first place, or whoever wins any prize?

A posting from last year had no such requirements. It allowed for devs with 3+ years to apply without any previous TC history.

Which one of these postings, if any, is currently valid?

Also, how often are new copilot roles usually available?


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  • ketzjs09ketzjs09 Re: Copilot Roles (response to post by kemomcvc)
    850 posts Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 01:57 PM

    Nowdays the copiloting related hires are done via gigs and the details can be found whenever there's a gig listing about it, which you can keep a track on via

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