1647 posts Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 02:40 PM in Design General Discussion


TCO22 regional events took place in August last month and we were excited that we could host again an in person event for South Eastern Asia and Oceania, in Medan city, Indonesia where most of our designers are coming from. Our representative fajar.mln (Community Manager) and many familiar faces attending the event such as abedavera, iaminfinite, lunarkid, ndondo_, riopurba, iqbalhood, eriantoongko, molderacs, diwosuwanto, dendyh7 and so many other local members, as well as our MPV, PereViki who traveled from Hungary to attend this onsite event.

We had interesting speeches for our members, from discussing the latest Topcoder platform updates and how to optimize it as a member by fajar.mln, how to jump start at Topcoder track by lunarkid, story from our member ndondo_ about his outstanding journey from ordinary design member to a design bootcamp participant and finally become a design track finalist at TCO22 in Boston, and sponsor talk by Stephen Steneker, Director of Community from MongoDB. Check our Flickr to see more photos from the event.

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