November 2022 Development Newsletter
Hello Topcoder Devs, it's TCO month, i.e. November and we're thrilled to be just a few days away from the TCO23 kickoff!
Apart from the usual challenges,during this year's TCO you'll see some cool new challenges like the 'Fantasy Dream Team' challenge. Stay tuned!
If you're a developer and looking forward to competing in next year's TCO, start earning those point by competing in challenge. The following are some of the key challenges currently going on:
For JavaScript developers, there are challenges going on right now, as well as several challenges in the pipeline.
Similarly, for Java developers there are some Java challenges currently ongoing and some in the pipeline.
For iOS Swift developers, we currently have an iOS Swift Development Skill Builder Competition going on!
If you are relatively new to Topcoder and would like some practice in development challenges, check out Translation App Practice Challenge.
We also have an ongoing VueJS Practice Challenge, which will allow you to practice VueJS in a Topcoder environment. Practice challenges don't have a prize, and they're meant primarily for learning.
First2Finish challenges earn you points that are included in Development track TCO point total and these challenges come and go fast! Keep track of them here.
Finally, new challenges get added every now and then, and the entire list of live challenges can be found at the Topcoder Challenge Listings.