Lot of problems

230 posts Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 10:02 AM in General Discussion

Since some (long) time I am experiencing a lot of troubles with TC. I am going to write here because I don't know how to solve.
First, I am not able to access my TC profile. I opened a ticket 5 (yes 5) months ago, I got some vague answers and then nothing. For three times (last time 16 days ago) I solicited for some information, but no answer at all.
This is the ticket https://help.topcoder.com/hc/en-us/requests/115305

Second, I registered to a challenge (https://www.topcoder.com/challenges/a042b2c2-8fce-4cc9-be17-c66c825bfff9), but after some time I get un-registered for unknown reasons. Anyway, when I register, I am not able to download a PPT template, that I should use for my submission. And the strange thing is that I get the same error that I have when I try to access my TC profile page.

Thanks for any help or advise and with the occasion Happy Christmas Holidays to Everyone !!!

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  • fajar.mlnfajar.mln Re: Lot of problems (response to post by paolog)
    1647 posts Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 01:16 AM

    Thank you for the post @paolog and we are really sorry for the inconvenience:

    1) Do you still experience the issue with accessing your profile? I can help to follow up your case with the related team to find the root of the problem and we can try to solve it from there

    2) I can't access the challenge page because it was a private challenge, are you part of the group assigned for the challenge? If no, then it probably the reason why you're being unregistered after some time.

  • paologpaolog Re: Lot of problems (response to post by fajar.mln)
    230 posts Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 09:57 AM

    Hey, thank you @fajar.mln, now I can access my profile and this was the most important issue for me.
    Regarding the challenge, ok I understand, maybe I did not noticed it was private or it was not marked as private. Anyway, good to know and many thanks again.

  • saurabh_059saurabh_059 Re: Lot of problems (response to post by paolog)
    8 posts Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 08:02 PM edited Jan 19, 2023 at 09:11 PM

    could you please help with this when i am compiling my code in vintage arena it says request timed out. @paolog

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