669 posts Sat, Dec 31, 2022 at 12:34 AM in Design General Discussion

Hi designers,

Thinking at the year in review at Topcoder for design track, we’ve had several great challenges such as RUX - NFT Marketplace - WebApp Design Challenge, RUX - Angak Contact Verification Web App Design Concepts Challenge, REX Responsive Website Concept Design Challenge Part 1 and Part 2, Topcoder Developer Center UI Design Challenge, CRS - Master Data Portal UI Framework Design Challenge, NASA STS Mobile App Design Challenge and several others fun competitions like the Topcoder Mascot Design Challenge or Topcoder Community Holiday Card 2022 Graphic Design Challenge and many others. Congratulations to all the winners of these challenges and TCO finalists!

Speaking of TCO, Stage 3 for TCO23 is going to begin January 1st, 2023, so get ready to compete once the challenges start showing in the pipeline. This stage lasts 3 months, by March 31st.

This is the last newsletter of this year, which means it is time to say thank you for a wonderful 2022 and let us all look forward to an even better 2023 with more work and competitions!

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