How to challenge others in coding or improve my code problem solving abilities !

1 posts Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 07:59 AM in Skill Building for Development

Let me know !

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  • jmpld40jmpld40 Re: How to challenge others in coding or improve my code problem solving abilities ! (response to post by AyanSiddiqui)
    431 posts Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 11:28 AM

    I think you're talking about competitive programming. Try this forum.

    And don't miss all our amazing tutorials and help articles here.

  • aakash855aakash855 Re: How to challenge others in coding or improve my code problem solving abilities ! (response to post by AyanSiddiqui)
    1 posts Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 08:46 AM

    Choose one Programming Langauage,
    To be done expert, intermediate and advanced level on that you chosen programming language.
    Done algorithms , data structures and dynamic programming with that programming language you chosen.
    Pratice on competitive websites crack challenges

    Start challenging other, You will be the winner.....

  • hardyianhardyian Re: How to challenge others in coding or improve my code problem solving abilities ! (response to post by AyanSiddiqui)
    1 posts Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 01:12 PM

    A few techiques that might or might not work:

    1. Look at existing solutions to common problems, e.g. design patterns. Maybe you find something similar that at least partially resembles your problem. Search the web.
    2. Act as if the problem has already been solved, and trace what follows back to the solution to make. For example, instead of designing the API for a class, just write the code that makes use of the class, with method calls as you would like them, and then implement that API.
    3. Do something else, e.g. surf the net or play solitaire, and wait for inspiration to happen.
    4. Think of the person you like most, and pretend you want to impress her with your problem solving skills. What would be an extremely impressive solution?
    5. Check the problem for inherent contradictions or conflicting requirements, and state exactly what they are and what compromise could be made. Often, when such conflicts exist, but you are not aware of, you tend to discard one possible solution after another because you cannot perfectly satisfy all requirements.
    6. If you already have a possible solution, but it feels "dirty" (copy-paste, global variables, spaghetti code etc.), use it anyway and make it better afterwards.

    And i recommed html tutorial for beginners may help you. Start working on the skill of identifying problems as well.

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