Sustainability income vs skills development

1 posts Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 03:52 PM edited Jun 27, 2021 at 05:16 PM in Gig Work Discussions

being gig workers or appling for gig working when we accomplish the goal and solve our professional engineering solution and also get sustainable income with increasing creating an opportunities equally ? or the major concerns is to being facing freelancer change is to earn vs skils set become incompatible therefore regularly sustainable income can help for shaping and maintenance of professional engineering skills sets so
that every client would get best of our
expertise i belive sustainable income matter skills development or skills development need not to rely on sustainable income so in fact bulidng freelance engineering community is critiwl with keeping it high standard excellence sustainably
based on make sure that income sustainability can takecare the skills gap by providing nessary income to get hiring and solved the demand of the employers with high satisfaction rate
what do you also think ?

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