Can not get recent payment data

101 posts Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 02:12 PM in Payment Discussions

I had another payment, nor received since yesterday, pls help me check that, the link:
My handle:schweik

The latest payment is just "(Application, v1.0) ePost RX Modernisation - P_ANSPaymentCardContext Implementation - Code, 2nd place" not "P_ANSPostReturnGLRecord Code Design"

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  • BeckyE430BeckyE430 Re: Can not get recent payment data (response to post by schweik)
    78 posts Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 06:56 PM

    Hi @schweik, please email for any payment issues. Thanks!

  • schweikschweik Re: Can not get recent payment data (response to post by BeckyE430)
    101 posts Sat, Apr 1, 2023 at 02:39 AM

    I had emailed but not received any reply email like before, seems exist issue, so I asked here, thx!

  • schweikschweik Re: Can not get recent payment data (response to post by BeckyE430)
    101 posts Sat, Apr 1, 2023 at 02:45 AM

    @BeckyE430, Hey, I could not receive the [Request received] reply email with ticket number... I did not know why

  • schweikschweik Re: Can not get recent payment data (response to post by schweik)
    101 posts Sat, Apr 1, 2023 at 02:50 AM

    Here is the email screenshot, already three emails...

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