It started way back in [topcoder] history
It has been 17 years. 2005 I started as a graphic designer at Topcoder, focused on helping to design and deliver custom software applications. We only ran Topcoder contests for competitive programming and software development at that point in time. My job was to design and code the front-end and hand that off to Topcoder project managers, who would run contests to get the customer's applications built. Jessie and others started trying logo contests (for TCO!). We were asked if we could start running challenges to design and code everything… finally capturing each step of software development as atomized steps. Time to rally a design community within a community called Topcoder. Topcoder Studio was born!
From that day, my role was always focused on Topcoder customers and helping to deliver amazing outcomes through the Topcoder model and community. Design, information architecture, and UI prototyping was the easiest way to introduce the Topcoder model. I was teaching customers about crowdsourcing, educating them on the future of work, championing their success, and showing them how to build a relationship with the Topcoder community that understands their technology problems and brand. The other side of this role was crafting the work, understanding the problem(s), and architecting a sequence of steps (challenges) to show how the Topcoder community could tackle, fix or build something entirely new to solve their tough design and development problems.
This process has always invigorated me. The ability to tackle problems from a wide range of industries, explore cutting edge technologies, and the need to quickly learn and adapt but also explain to a global community the problem that needed to be solved and… why. The art of crafting new ways to engage all of you… “how fast can we solve a problem through Open Innovation”? The live-action fun of a LUX Challenge, the fear of failure on a grand scale, on a stage at a major event (and you never failed!). The evolution of the RUX, Design Concepts, Design Direction, UI Prototypes, Design Tournaments, TCO’s, etc.
The bonus to all of this was traveling and meeting the Topcoder community! The Topcoder Opens, TCO regional events, design workshops, dinners, butter chicken, and parties - spending one-on-one time with all of you who work, learn, and compete with each other every day to make our community feel like a family.
I not only want to say thank you, which does not cover the depth of my gratitude for knowing all of you, but that I became a better human through knowing all of you. I have learned so much about the world, relationships, cultures, and open communication through our shared language of competition, design, technology, opportunity, hard work, and success.
This week I leave Topcoder the company, but I will always be a Topcoder member (since 2002!), and we don’t say goodbye… we just take extended leaves of absence from each other and hope for the next competition, opportunity, or moment to connect again.
Seventeen years of genuine friendships in a supportive community - I leave a better person than when I arrived, so thank you.
Always remember - be bold or italic but never regular
Enjoy your sabbatical leave, Captain! Hope to see you around at any TCO Event, regional or main-event, or even when you travel around the globe.
I bid you a very fond farewell...
It's been a great journey here at Topcoder, Adam. It's hard to see the image of Topcoder leaving..
one of the pillars of community for so many years. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me, mentoring all along the way to grow as a designer, copilot, CAB, and for caring and fighting for the community problems all the time . From seeing in USA at TCO in the arena under the pressure of competition, to having dinner in Tokyo and going to karaoke in Yogyakarta, it's been an awesome experience.
Once a Topcoder, always a Topcoder. I wish you endless success in your new role, the new company is lucky to have you.
Mr Morehead,
You have been absolutely instrumental in fashioning how I think/feel/solve over the last 8/9 years. And are possibly the most influencial person of my lifetime. Your insights have made me a better designer, and a better, empathy driven individual. A better man. You have helped me realise what I love doing as a profession. You helped me carve out a niche in my skillsets and focus on where I am strongest. While patiently, with a gentle hand, worked with me on where I am weakest.
But, and most importantly, you have imbued me with the confidence to look challenges in the eye. Unblinking. Any challenge!
It is a sad day to know that others will not benefit from your wisedoms and Kung Fu. And that an epic chapter at Topcoder is coming to a close.
We have never met.
Let's fix that...I owe you too many, many beers and expensive bottles of whiskey.
Thank You Adam, Sensei!
Best of luck in your new endeavours.
It's just slight relief from organizer duties. Hope to see you more in the community then.
Indeed you have always worked to make the Topcoder members especially on my end, I remember the first email I received with instructions of how I could improve in my challenges participation.
You made an impact, I can only see the positive results.
Have a Great Journey ahead and hope to see you in the Topcoder events.
Success in your endeavors.
"Topcoder will always be here, come back when you feel it, and we will always welcome you", it's time to return those words to you
It's definitely not goodbye... @adroc!
I am incredibly grateful for all I've learned from you over the years. In leading by example, you have set the tone for the leader I want to be and all those you have managed. This community is indebted to you for all you have done and all we are today. I think it's important you share your talents with others because we've selfishly kept you to ourselves for so long! I know you're going to be amazing in your next chapter.
Join our Celebration Tomorrow: May the 4th at 10:00 UTC-4
We are having a party in celebration of our design community, the kickoff of Gh3ablo's Design Month, and it will be a chance to wish Adam well on his new endeavors. It's happening in just over 24 hours and we hope you can stop in to say hello.
THANK YOU ADAM!! We will miss you!
Hello Adroc,
It's hard to say goodbye.
I have been helped a lot and have received good experiences, suggestions and Referrals over the years.
Good luck on your next journey. You will always be a part of us. we will see you.
Thank you Adam, for the opportunity to learn graphic design and earn money from it! God bless!
I am so grateful that I have been on your team for years. You will be missed, @adroc!
Wishing you luck in your future endeavors.
Door are gateways between what was and what is to come. I'm walking in the Topcoder door as you prepare to walk through it one last time. Your legacy is brighter and larger than you know. You've been referenced throughout my interview and onboarding process because of your passion and purpose over the years. It's been an honor to know you by proxy, and to benefit from your investment of time and talent here. Thank you for your perspective of extended absences...for we can say, "see you next time!"
PS-I'm really looking forward to meeting you this week
You always communicated strength, authority, calm and intellect - all the while being compassionate and understanding. A true leader. Best of luck in everything.
Thank you so much for always supporting us.
A memory lasts forever, never will it die….true leader, Mentor, friends, stay together and they will never say goodbye! Take Care & Stay Happy!
What can I say that have not been told before? It have been a real honor to share all these years of profesionalsim and genuine friendship.
Thank you to... The man, the legend, the boss, the one and only, @adroc!
PS: My home is your home! And I would love to see you visiting South America! I will wait for you in Chile.
Thank you Adam for leading the UI protype track for a long time, it was so fun to participate in those challenges. I've learned a lot from those & became a Hero in UI development from Zero. I hope topcoder keeps growing following the ideas you gave to the team & thousands of young developers find it useful & also become a Hero.
Thank you so much for your patience and kindness to many of us in the community.
@adroc, you will be missed around here.
Good luck on your new adventure!
@adroc Best of luck for next endeavours, keep rocking.
@adroc Thank you Adam, I really appreciate and am honored to have had the opportunity to work with you, especially on the Adobe series projects, it was very fun and we made great achievements. You will be always missed, best wishes to you on your next adventure.
Best wishes to you Adam
Hi Adam,
I cant imagine Topcoder without you.
Its really a shock to see you leave at the same time I am happy for you and wishing you the best in your next adventure.
For me you were the go to person for anything and everything Topcoder.
You've been a big source of motivation and inspiration and helped me keep pushing my limits.
Thank you for everything you've done here.
All the RUXs, LUXs, the bracket tournament, Design Direction Challenges, DRB, the various Design challenges, and the online and in-person parties and so much more.
It was a wonderful journey.
Lets keep in touch.
I hope we can catch up next time you are in Bangalore.
Wishing you all the best.

Sad to hear you are leaving , we will miss you!
What an amazing journey you have , just thrilled to always know you more and work with you whatever little time we have worked together. Thank you for giving so much to the community.
Love and respect for you, I wish you all the success and happiness always!
we will miss youu adam...
thats an amazing journey... i remember when i creat this meme for adams on last years...
thanks a lot for giving so much to the community...
wish you all the succes and always healthy...
@eriantoongko thank you! I look forward to seeing you again in Indonesia or around the world
It has been an incredible journey with you! For everyone else.. Dara speaks up every day, she lets Jessie, myself and the Topcoder team know what is important, what matters and always puts community first. We have worked together almost every day/week over the past few years - thank you for keeping me honest and always pushing forward!
@ToxicPixel I do miss our repartee (or your hot take on things while I try and process it all?). Thank you for always pushing us and Topcoder to be better and to make meaningful change. I have always appreciated your feedback on how we can improve/rethink our open design model, feedback process and competitions. We must meet someday - you do owe me many beers, ha!
@Vipul1982 Yes! Exactly
I had a one on one with him recently to communicate my appreciation, in addition to other topics we talked about.
Will reiterate here that whatever experiences I've had with him till date have been excellent, be it casual discussions, his insights during meetings and particularly during client projects. I've known him as a pretty clear and considerate person, who takes good care of people who work with him, while balancing it with client expectations.
It was a pleasure working with you Adam, and looking forward to catching up not too deep into the future.
@Rokit12 Robinson - Thank you for taking my advice and also jumping into all the programs (mulesoft success) and joining us on the Monday Community calls. I appreciate your dedication to Topcoder and your craft. I also hope to see you at future Topcoder events.
@fajar.mln I think I might have first said something similar to @ToxicPixel as he was off on an adventure.
I'm not sure where to start? You are amazing in your efforts and love for Topcoder and the community. I appreciate your friendship from the early Studio days, (+ many projects we have worked on together) and to the amazing Indonesia trips and design workshops. If it wasn't for you, I would not have taken the time to truly get out and experience Indonesia and its beauty. Thank you sir for being awesome!